Tech Resourcing Solutions: Harnessing Onshore, Nearshore & Offshore Strategies
In this era of rapid technological advancement and digital transformation, businesses globally are grappling with a profound challenge: the shortage of tech resource. The demand for tech expertise, given the intensifying pace of digitisation, far outstrips supply. As a result, enterprises are seeking innovative approaches to address the skills deficit. A notable solution emerging in this sphere is the diversification of tech resourcing through onshore, nearshore and offshore strategies.
The Current State of Tech Resourcing
Businesses worldwide are continually digitising their processes, escalating the demand for tech resource. A study in 2017 highlighted the severity of the situation: in the USA alone, there were over 500,000 open tech positions with less than 50,000 Computer Science graduates. The gap has since grown exponentially, now exceeding a million vacancies.
Moreover, the challenge is global. For instance, according to Natalia Mila, Chief Technology Officer at Upstream, Brazil is projected to have a shortfall of 400,000 tech jobs by 2022. Furthermore, 66% of digital leaders in Britain assert that the resource dearth is slowing down their organisations' digital transformations.
In India, “the IT Industry sees the skills shortage as the most significant adoption barrier to 64% of emerging technologies”. You get the picture. The near-future won’t be plain sailing, as Forrester believes "a tech resource panic will create broad gaps until new sourcing models go mainstream”.
Tech Resourcing Solutions: The Global Approach
As the tech skills crisis intensifies, the necessity for innovative resourcing models is more significant than ever. These "new sourcing models" leverage global networks and collaborative workflows, fundamentally changing how we approach tech resourcing. This globally focused solution lies in decentralising project management and tech demands through onshore, nearshore and offshore resource solutions.
Defining Onshore, Nearshore, and Offshore Resourcing
The Efficacy of Onshore Tech Resourcing Solutions
Onshore resourcing, also known as domestic sourcing or outsourcing, involves an enterprise moving some, if not all, of its services or processes to another company within the same country.
Tapping into Nearshore Tech Resourcing Solutions
Nearshore resourcing is another form of outsourcing, where services are delivered from an adjacent location. For example, for US-based firms, nearshore services can come from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and some South American states.
Benefits of Offshore Tech Resourcing Solutions
Offshore resourcing sees an enterprise procuring services from a company based anywhere in the world outside of their region. The overarching principle is to harness the expertise from different areas, extending beyond geographical boundaries.
Diagram illustrating the function of onshore, nearshore, and offshore tech resourcing strategies as solutions to the global talent shortage.
The Role of Tech in Facilitating Diverse Resource Streams
The advent of remote and hybrid workflows has significantly transformed industries across the board, paving the way for global collaboration. Tech has been a pioneer in this space for years, building global teams of developers and promoting diverse resource streams. However, the rising demand for tech services is causing these outsourcing models to evolve further. The solution lies in linking demand with supply sustainably, understanding local and global resource pools' skill levels.
The Bottom Line: Onshore, Nearshore, and Offshore Solutions
The flexibility offered by onshore, nearshore, and offshore staff augmentation solutions means that your tech team can swiftly adapt to demand. You can extend into previously untapped resource pools and take full advantage of emerging tech resource markets, ensuring you always stay ahead of the curve. With the infrastructural foundations in place, and global connections more robust than ever, it's time to capitalise on these innovative tech resourcing solutions.
The future of tech resourcing lies in these diversified strategies. As enterprises continue their journey towards digital transformation, the need to address the tech skills crisis is crucial. Onshore, nearshore, and offshore resourcing models provide a versatile solution to this challenge, enabling businesses to capitalise on global resource and keep pace with the rapidly evolving tech landscape. In embracing these models, companies are not only meeting their immediate resourcing needs but also laying a robust foundation for sustainable growth.